The Best Minecraft Hosting in BrazilDatacenter located in São Paulo, our servers are equipped with AMD Ryzen 9 7950X processors and Cloudflare MagicTransit Anti-DDos Protection with a capacity of 280Tbps

The biggest Minecraft servers are with us

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Host minecraft
Your online server 24/7/365Tired of suffering from lag or high ping on your server? You will be surprised by our robust hosting structure. We do everything we can to make you feel at home and have the confidence that your data is safe with us. Experience the power and efficiency of hosting with ELGAE HOST.
Flexibility for GrowthWe understand the importance of your need for growth. Therefore, we offer a flexible infrastructure, allowing you to adjust your plan according to the growth of your project. Stay ahead of the game and enable your business to reach its full potential with our flexible hosting solution.
Efficient Support and Constant MonitoringOur team is made up of highly qualified specialists, ready to serve you quickly and easily. Furthermore, we maintain constant monitoring of all our services to ensure their availability. We anticipate and solve problems before they even occur, ensuring the continuity and efficiency of our structure.


Host Minecraft Avançado



CPU AMD Ryzen 9 7900X/7950X4GB RAM DDR5 5600MHz4vCPU Shared20GB SSD NVME280Tbps Anti-DDosDedicated IP (Not included)
From $7,00View Plans
Host Minecraft Dedicado



CPU AMD Ryzen 9 7950X24GB RAM DDR5 5600MHz4vCPU Dedicated300GB SSD NVME280Tbps Anti-DDosDedicated IP (Free)
From $54,00View Plans
Servidor Dedicado



CPU AMD Ryzen 9 7900X64GB RAM DDR5 5600MHz12c/24T [4.7 - 5.6Ghz]1TB SSD NVME280Tbps Anti-DDosDedicated IP (Free)
From $299,00View Plans
You need to know this...
Transparent HostingWe are happy to show our customers how our operation works so they can always trust hosting with us.
Tier III data centersWe are located in certified data centers, where they have all the necessary security, such as fire systems, insurance for our equipment and restricted access.
Anti-DDoS protectionWe have the best protection against DDos attacks on the market with a global capacity of 280Tbps, ensuring that your server is online 24/7/365.
Location in São PauloWe have the best connection routes with national and international providers, thanks to our connection with IX.BR and directly with ISPs such as vivo, tim, algar, ...
SupportOur normal opening hours are from 12pm to 11pm, however due to high demand, we are serving customers 24 hours a day from Monday to Sunday.
99.9% uptimeWe guarantee 99.9% uptime on all services sold on our website, with a 100% SLA guaranteed in our terms.
Here you have...
SecurityYour privacy is guaranteed with our advanced encryption, where your files will be stored safely and securely, we closely follow the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD), Law no. 13,709.
NVME SSD disksWe use the most advanced technology on the market that guarantees extremely fast and powerful readings, providing you with an experience without lags and interruptions.
Dedicated connectionWe offer you the best ping in Brazil for your server, guaranteeing speed and stability in your connections.
DDoS ProtectionThanks to 248Tbps Cloudflare Magic Transit and local protections, you have complete protection against attacks, ensuring the availability and stability of your server at all times.

Copyright Elgae Hospedagem de jogos e Datacenter © 2023 - 2024

CNPJ 55.982.728/0001-58 - Alameda Rio Negro 530, Alphaville - SP (Sala 2020)